Monday, May 16, 2011

the organizing principles paintings- I

While attending a (psychoanalytic) lecture, something struck me when I heard the phrase "unconscious organizing principle," a phrase I had heard or read hundreds of times in reference to how we organize our experience and how we are organized by our experience.  I wrote this after a weekend of painting:
 The image I am obsessed with is a kind of concretization of that phrase ‘organizing principle,’ because for the first time I saw it like a structure: birdcage, prison cell, house, antlers, architectural shape.  my figures are in relationship to the structures which hover and move in an articulated way.

My ongoing dilemma is how to convey a concept in image form. These images include examples of  works with structures and shapes replacing the head.  The next post will continue with coming into being paintings, somewhat more rendered scenes of childhood.  

A composer friend/collaborator has written a most stunning piece of music that was inspired not by any particular painting from the series but by our conversations about the series and the ideas.  I have the long-term goal/fantasy that I will be able to make the figures move! It took John Frame 5 years. I might be content with 2D paintings but who knows...

clinging to the scaffolding, 2010, 36x30 inches

predator, 2010, 6x6 inches

shattered, 2010, 6x6 inches

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